Expressive Type

Boon Wurrung is the language spoken by one of the five tribes of the Kulin Nation - the First Nations people of the Port Philip Area of Victoria, Australia. Boon Wurrung shares over 90% of its vocabulary with the Woi Wurring language. You may already be familiar with the words Womin Djika (welcome) or Naarm (Melbourne) which are common to both languages. Language connects people to their culture and country, yet more than 75% of Australian Indigenous languages have been lost. As such, the survival and revival of remaining Indigenous language is important to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians alike.

RMIT, as part of its Reconciliation Action Plan, developed a set of Indigenous language word cards in consultation with N’Arweet Carolyn Briggs (Elder in Residence, Ngarara Willim Centre at RMIT) to build knowledge of Australian Indigenous languages for everyday use in a fun and interactive way.


Provide two alternative designs for the next edition of RMIT’s word card packs.

Choose 5 Boon Wurrung words (compiled by Boon Wurrung Language Worker and Elder, Aunty Fay Stuart-Muir) from the list and interpret them typographically using Helvetica, and then again using a typeface/font (or combination of more than one) of your choice, for a total of 10 flash cards. In each case, you need to convey the meaning of the word through your use of imagery and typography. Each card will include the Boon Wurrung word along with its brief English translation
